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Looking For Thrilling Action?
10 septembre 2024
New Member
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 1
Membre depuis :
10 septembre 2024
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In the hectic, tactical shooting game hills of steel, you control an initial tank. Epic battles over rough terrain and steep slopes will be required of you. To go to the next level, you must destroy every enemy and accomplish all goals. You can play through levels that range from easy to almost tough, and you can only advance when you win the current combat.

You can choose upgrades for your tank before every match, and Hills of Steel will occasionally provide power-ups to expand your weaponry. Display your prowess to gather priceless jewels, which will allow you to access even more potent tanks. To get the hang of the controls, pay close attention to the physics-based movement of your tank. Get ready for tough boss battles that will put your resolve to the test as you advance through the stages.

To succeed in these constantly paced tank fights, you must balance strategy, focus, and fast reflexes. Awaiting the final tank fight, be set to rule the flaming battlefield!

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