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Seeking Experienced Construction Estimator in the USA-Forum-Culture Informatique

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Seeking Experienced Construction Estimator in the USA
9 octobre 2023
New Member
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 1
Membre depuis :
9 octobre 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Hors ligne

To find a talented construction estimator in the USA, you can employ several strategies:

Online Job Platforms:

Use websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to post job listings or search for experienced construction estimator .

Construction Associations:

Reach out to industry organizations like the American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE) or the Construction Estimators Association of America (CEAA) for referrals and job postings.


Attend construction-related events, seminars, and conferences to connect with potential estimators through professional networks.

Recruitment Agencies:

Partner with staffing agencies specializing in construction roles to help identify suitable candidates.

Local Colleges:

Contact universities or technical colleges with construction management programs for recommendations or to post job openings.


Seek recommendations from colleagues or industry contacts for estimators with a proven track record.

Online Portfolios:

Explore websites like LinkedIn or GitHub to review candidates’ profiles and assess their qualifications and experience.

Interviews and Skills Assessment:

Conduct thorough interviews and request sample estimates to gauge a candidate’s competency.

Online Freelance Platforms:

Consider platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, where you can hire freelance construction estimators with specialized skills.

Professional Certifications:

Look for candidates with relevant certifications like Certified Professional Estimator (CPE) to ensure their expertise.

Remember to check references and assess a candidate’s fit for your specific construction projects and company culture to find the best-suited estimator for your needs.

11 octobre 2023
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 38
Membre depuis :
29 mai 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Hors ligne

Many employers now use various platforms to post their vacancies in the public domain. If you are a job seeker, then go layboard. There are many vacancies for both specialists with extensive work experience who want to find a higher paying job, but also jobs for people without work experience, and this is especially great.

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