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How to play Infinite Craft
15 octobre 2024
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 5
Membre depuis :
7 novembre 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Hors ligne

Infinite Craft is a free browser game that allows you to create countless crafts by combining different objects. You start with four basic elements: Water, Fire, Wind and Earth. When you combine them, you will create many different types of items, expanding and deepening your crafting material pool.


How to play infinite craft

To start crafting, you need to mix two blocks from your menu. You can click or drag the first block into the crafting area to start the process. You’ll then drag the next block onto the first block to see what combining them creates. Anything you create will appear on your craft menu as an ingredient that you can use to create more unique blocks.

Control way:

The game is controlled with the mouse. You will use the mouse to combine blocks and create new crafts.


Main feature:

You are only limited by your creativity when crafting in Infinite Craft. You can create everything from household objects to specific things like the names of the world’s presidents.

Play tips:

  • Look at different recipes from multiple angles if you’re looking for a specific block to craft.


  • Use the search function to easily find blocks you have previously created.


  • Don’t hesitate to combine different items to see what you can create that is unique and useful.


Wishing you hours of fun and creativity with Infinite Craft!

12 novembre 2024
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 109
Membre depuis :
29 mai 2024
sp_UserOfflineSmall Hors ligne

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