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Why is it important to learn the English language?-Forum-Culture Informatique

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Why is it important to learn the English language?
21 octobre 2024
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 39
Membre depuis :
29 mai 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Hors ligne

Why is it crucial to learn the English language in today’s globalized world? Beyond being a widely spoken language, how does proficiency in English facilitate communication in international business, travel, and education? What are the cultural and social benefits of learning English, especially in terms of accessing information, entertainment, and building connections with people from diverse backgrounds? Additionally, how does understanding English enhance career opportunities in various fields? I’m interested in exploring both the practical implications and the deeper significance of English language proficiency in personal and professional development.

21 octobre 2024
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 12
Membre depuis :
9 août 2024
sp_UserOfflineSmall Hors ligne

Learning the english language is crucial in today’s interconnected world for several reasons. Firstly, it serves as a global lingua franca, enabling communication across diverse cultures and nationalities. This is especially important in international business, travel, and academic settings, where English is often the common language used. Moreover, proficiency in English grants access to a vast array of resources, including books, research articles, and online content that may not be available in other languages. It also enhances career opportunities, as many employers seek candidates who can communicate effectively in English.

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