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Play the hottest basketball stars game
16 avril 2024
New Member
Level 0
Nombre de messages du forum : 2
Membre depuis :
16 avril 2024
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Despite having simple controls, basketball stars is a challenging game to succeed in. Staple the ball into the basket of your opponent in order to achieve a score. Two points are awarded for each stroke. You mustaccumulate more points than your opponents before the time limit expires. A flawless throw to the basket is an exceptionally challenging endeavor, which may come as a surprise to you. Your adversaries may aim to deflect your initial shot or attempt to seize the object. Successfully calculating force is crucial for securing victory. When actively appreciating the game, it is not advisable to fixate solely on scoring goals. However, defense is of the utmost importance. You should be well-prepared to block the attack of your opponent. Prevent harm to the rim of the opposing team.

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