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Can deep learning models interpret themselves? How?-Forum-Culture Informatique

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Can deep learning models interpret themselves? How?
11 décembre 2024
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11 décembre 2024
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Interpreting deep-learning models is often done using feature attribution. SHAP (SHapley additional explanations) or LIME (Local Interpretable Model agnostic Explanations), for instance, can be used as a way to determine the importance that individual input features have in a model’s predictions. Grad-CAM highlights regions in an image which are important for classification, and gives a visual description of the model. Data Science Course in Pune

Model simplification is another option. Deep Complex Learning Models are easily approximated by simpler models that are easier to understand. Surrogate models are those that translate rules from the original model into rules that humans understand, without having to examine every neural connection.

Understanding the inner workings of deep learning models is also important. In transformer-based architecture models, layer by layer relevance propagation and the attention visualization show how neurons prioritize input.

Even though techniques that improve our ability to interpret data are helpful, there remain challenges. Interpretations may oversimplify complex phenomena leading to a misunderstanding. Transparency is often sacrificed for model complexity, limiting the level of insight.

Combining multiple interpretations techniques in practice provides a holistic view on model behavior. This results in better trust, fairness assessment, and debugging. Interpretability research and application are crucial, as deep learning has become a key part of decision-making in sensitive areas like healthcare and finance.

11 décembre 2024
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Nombre de messages du forum : 2
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11 décembre 2024
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