9 juin 2023
Genetic factors are also a cause of color blindness. Therefore, if your family has a history of this disease, you should soon take a color blindness test to check your condition.
Color blindness is not really as serious as many people think. People with color blindness can distinguish some colors but cannot distinguish other pigments. Therefore, “poor color vision” is probably a more accurate name instead of color blindness. This disease is more common in men, with a rate of 1/12 people suffering from the disease in men, while in women it is 1/200.
Experts divide color blindness into two main groups, including:
Inability to distinguish between red and green pigments
Yellow and blue cannot be detected
Mechanism of eye color recognition
The retina is a light-sensitive layer of cells located behind the eyeball. There are two types of retinal cells:
Rod cells: respond to dim light
Cone cells: respond to bright light
Both types of cells respond to color. Their signals travel through the optic nerve to the brain and combine to create all the colors in the rainbow. About 12% of women have an extra type of cone cell that allows them to see 100 times more colors than other people.
Mechanism of action of color blindness
If you have color blindness, it means there is a problem with at least one type of cone cell in the retina: either there is a shortage in number or a color that is different from what should be. From there, the brain will not receive accurate information. Cone cells are also responsible for recording sharp details from what you see, so color blindness can also cause everything in your vision to be blurred.
Currently, ophthalmologists have many ways to test for color blindness. You can test online at color blind test. Color blindness can hinder work, but overall it is not serious. You will have to find some way to solve these difficulties.
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